Here are some links to the Jewellery sector that you may find useful.
They are not affiliated to Ace Jewellery in any way however, we do know them well and can recommend them from experience.
Press features
Read our commentary on the booming Leeds Jewellery scene here.
Ring mounts and accessories
Brown & Newirth – Manufacturers of ring mounts and bands
Hockley Mint – Trade suppliers of jewellery ring mounts and bands
Diamond Grading Labs (Diamond Certificates)
Latest News Posts
B.Y.O.D. (Bring Your Own Diamonds)
You've no doubt heard the phrase "B.Y.O.B." when you've had an invite to a party. Well, here at Ace Jewellery [...]
How To Renew Your Engagement Ring
We're sure you've heard of couples who renew their wedding vows after years of marriage - well why not renew [...]